Gaining Website Visitors Trust

By teknet on Thursday 18th October 2018, 9:44am


There are a lot of ways to gain visitors trust online – which can help your overall sales. If a person is looking for a product to buy on the web, chances are they aren’t going to give their money to a website they don’t trust. It’s not worth it. This could result in a lot of people leaving the site without purchasing – meaning that even if your website has a lot of visitors, they might not convert.

There are different things which can be done to help improve this however. Making website visitors trust your company is an important step in getting them to convert and spend their money with you – instead of one of your competitors.

There are things you can do to solve this – here’s a few of them.

SSL Certificate.

You know how some URL’s start “https” and have a little green padlock or something which says they’re secure? That’s because those websites have an SSL Certificate on them. This encrypts any data which is added on to a website by users – including payment details and other personal information. Not only this, but as we’ve mentioned browsers can tell site visitors that a website is secure – so they might be more likely to spend money with you.

Over the last few months this has become more important because browsers like Google Chrome and Firefox are actively telling people when a website isn’t secure. Not only this, some of the time they’re discouraging potential customers from even reaching your website as they inform them it’s unsafe in the main window instead of loading a website. It often requires multiple clicks to reach a website, and some browsers require more than that. If a site visitor isn’t put off by being told a website is potentially unsafe, they might be when they realise how many clicks they have to make to get to the website.

It’s great if your website is good, but it doesn’t make any difference if people aren’t even reaching it. Even if they are, the lack of security on your website might put them off purchasing.

Another benefit of an SSL Certificate is the improvements it can make to your website rankings in Google and on other search engines. Google prefers encrypted sites to their non-encrypted counterparts, so securing your website could mean an improvement in rankings. Or at least maybe the rankings won’t worsen.

Adding pages.

Sometimes adding pages to a website can help your visitors trust it a little more. This doesn’t necessarily mean product pages – although if you want to improve and add more of them this could help too. Things like a Delivery page or even an About Us page can help as it means visitors can see the people behind the brand.

Whilst adding a lot of pages like this might not help you, a couple could make the difference. It’s worthwhile working out what would be the most beneficial to you.

You can also put more information on some of your existing pages if they’re a little empty. If there are 100 products on your website and only 10 have detailed descriptions, maybe it’s time to update the others. Or at least add something to them, even if it isn’t massively detailed. People might be more likely to purchase from you if they can read more about what it is they’re purchasing.

Make it easy for people to contact you.

This follows on a little from the previous point. If people can see how to contact you if there’s a problem, it means your customer service is better. They might be more likely to trust a website where there are people they can contact in case of a problem.

This could include a variety of things. An email address and phone number, sure, but what about a contact form? Or a live chat? Or a Twitter account? There are a lot of options to choose from.

It might be worthwhile having your company details like address on the website too – in case someone has to make a return or wants to know where you’re based. Another idea might be an FAQ page – as then customers may not have to contact you at all if they can find the answers they want there. This option could be a good addition to contact information, rather than a direct replacement.


These are three options to consider when it comes to making site visitors trust you. There are more things you can do, and it depends on your website – if you offer services then you don’t need a Delivery page, but maybe an Information one instead with details in it. It really comes down to what you want to do with your website, and how do you want to keep those site visitors browsing and purchasing.

Are you interested in making your website better for site visitors?

Then Teknet Software can help by installing an SSL Certificate or any of the other features mentioned here. Check out our Services page to read more about our bespoke software services too! For more details, fill out the form on our Contact page, email or phone 0800 488 0400! If it’s Conversion Rate Optimisation you’re after, then check out Teknet Marketing’s Conversion Rate Optimisation page on their website!

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